Area of Study FAQ

Can I pursue a pre-existing Area of Study

No, if a character currently holds the AoS (active or NPC'd), you cannot pursue it. Unfortunately, we do not allow duplicates of AoS's. Remember, variety is cool, so hit up google and look into creating a custom AoS for your character!

What about practical/fighting skills for AoS?

Yes, they are allowed (and encouraged, alongside all subjects!). Please view the example tab on the main AoS page for more info on combat based AoS pursuits.

Can I request several AoS at one time to be approved, but only use one?

Yes. Requesting to see if several AoS are acceptable is fine and you are free to change your mind and request different ones. Just remember that your character may only hold one AoS at any given time.

Do I need a teacher or master to apply for an AoS

No. However, having one would significantly help the realism and your means to learn more! Remember: we do not have books on all subjects and books will not teach you everything or count if they are your sole means of learning.