Sapient is a humanized, pro-cultural advancement pack. As a whole, the pack is encouraged to follow more humanized pursuits and lifestyles -- such as things that require using one's hands, wearing clothes, reading/writing, in general, sophistication -- over their feral roots. Such cultural beliefs are often conveyed by the following factors:
Infection Status
- Non-Luperci are not allowed to join Sapient.
Form Choice
- The use of the Optime form is highly encouraged within Sapient.
- Those who primarily use feral forms -- 75% or more of each day in Lupus or Secui -- may find themselves subject to social exclusion.
- Acceptable practical applications of Lupus/Secui form would include, but is not limited to, hunting, long-distance travel (when horse/wagon/etc. is not available), and combat.
Social Norms
Fitting in is key within Sapient. A cocky, self-assured attitude can only get you so far; if rank and pack acceptance is what your character desires, then the following are all factors to consider when seeking to conform to Sapient culture.
- Clothing and accessories are worn by many as visible status symbols; one's wardrobe can consist of anything from tribal furs, to luperci sewn garments to salvaged materials.
- The worth is determined by how exotic something is; as such, something made out of a rare pelt would be of greater status than a pair of buckskin pants.
- Lack of wardrobe may be IC’ly perceived as a lack of status and wealth, a throwback to feral and uncultured living. Those who choose to wear little to no clothing may struggle to fit in.
Skill Sets
- Sapiens hold themselves to a higher educational and skill set belief. Therefore, it is expected of members to be able to easily possess the basics in fundamental skills such as tracking, hunting, survival, etc.
- Educational pursuits to expand one's knowledge are looked well upon. Similarly, taking apprentices and training younger members is a noble task.
- Using tools and pursuing the more obscure and rare skills sets, like blacksmithing, glass making, etc. would bolster one's reputation and worth. Why not check out the RPG Guide's Knowledge Page?
Social Engagement
- Attending pack events, meetings, parties, and the like not only helps you learn everyone's name and faces, but making an appearance at the very least can go a long way to impressing others.
- Hosting events -- both singular and multi-pack -- reflect upon an individual. Whether a party is a dud or one to go down in history will make all the difference.
- Gossip is the norm. If no one is talking about you behind your back, clearly you aren’t doing anything of interest.
Trading & Wealth
It's all about the money. Or in a Sapien's case, their wealth! Accustomed to luxurious lifestyles of indulgence in every corner, the possession of goods is exceedingly common and encouraged within Sapient. Whilst other packs may focus on combat strength, religion, and power, Sapient has a strong focus on individual wealth. Wealth in Sapient is defined not just by physical items, however, and not by traditional gold. Wealth is the mass of items of interest, from anything like books to recipes, to know how to create something, and, of course, the more obvious examples such as gems, pelts, and other materialistic goods. The RPG Guide's Economy page provides some useful tips in conveying this IC'ly.
- Sapiens can often be swayed from their morals and laws; for the right price they may agree to turn and look the other way, sell information on friends and family, part with that horse a few minutes earlier (and a few offered goods), that they otherwise simply could not live without.
- It is commonplace to ask for a form of payment to, let's say.... warm an individual up to the idea of sponsoring an Outsider's stay. Because it is the sponsor's name on the line, after all, if the Guest does anything shameful.
Pack Stores
- Donating to the pack stores and building upon the packs collective wealth will earn the thanks of leadership and higher ranks, as well as your fellow pack mates.
- By providing for the pack, this act also shows off an abundance of personal wealth, with excess to spare.
Personal Wealth
- Living by the worth of one's skills, if someone requires your skills sets or desires your goods, push them to pay more and try to avoid charity.
- Greater knowledge, along with the ability to create a range of objects equates to wealth. For, if you can make something, that is worth more than simply owning it.
- Sapiens are expected to be able to provide for themselves and it is uncommon to see a Sapient acting charitable and giving away to Outsiders for free.