
As a neutral based pack, Sapient welcomes any and all to come visit us; we understand that often characters have friends and family in different packs, so it is great to be able to interact more freely with members of and within anthers pack terrain!

However, we ask that all potential guest upon our pack land comply with the following policies where applicable. Please also note that the following is only applicable to welcome guests who are not currently banned (IC/OOC'ly) within Sapient.

Short Term

All and any characters are welcome to stay up to a maximum of 24 hours, so long as the following is met and complied with.

  • Guests must be sponsored by a member of Sapient. The sponsor is held accountable IC'ly for the actions of their guest; if the guest breaks pack law, the sponsor will be punished for it.
  • Even as a 'guest', standard board-wide trespassing rules apply. We strongly advise again trespassing, for this may result in your character being unwelcome within pack lands. Please have your character call and be greeted by the pack's borders before entering.
  • All relevant threads must have either the guests sponsor or another pack member present and be accompanying them if the location is outside of the estate.

Long Term

For any and all extended stays past 24 hours, we implore that members drop SP leadership a PM just to fill us in on things and make sure everything is cool beans! As with short stays, the following points are to be considered and conformed to where possible and applicable.

  • Guests must be sponsored by a member of Sapient. The sponsor is held accountable IC'ly for the actions of their guest; if the guest breaks pack law, the sponsor will be punished for it.
  • Even as a 'guest', standard board-wide trespassing rules apply. We strongly advise again trespassing, for this may result in your character being unwelcome within pack lands. Please have your character call and be greeted by the pack's borders before entering.
  • All relevant threads must have either the guests sponsor or another pack member present and be accompanying them if the location is outside of the estate.
  • Characters are expected to reside within the estate. You are free to thread in and around the estate since NPCs are assumed to always be present and therefore keeping an eye on your character.

Diplomatic or Plot Driven

If you are looking for a diplomatic, trading or plot intensive visit to the pack that may cause trouble or alterations to existing pack relations, we kindly ask that you discuss and keep SP leadership updated on such matters for both long and short-term stays.

We are always excited and willing to cook up some delicious IC drama, but would like to stress that sometimes plots require leaders to communicate and iron out some kinks to make sure your ideas work out as best as possible and problem free!